Arborist Report-Yonge Street, Huronia Road, McKay Road East
Barrie, ON
The City of Barrie’s Multi-Modal Active Transportation Master Plan (MMATMP) identified Yonge Street, Huronia Road and McKay Road East as central transportation corridors within the City and recognized improvements to occur by 2031. The project involved a ROW expansion including increased vehicular lanes and shared bike and pedestrian areas. Stefan Bolliger Associates Inc. was retained to complete tree inventories and assessments for all trees located within the project area totaling approximately 6 km. Details in regards to tree species, size, condition, recommendations for retention and removal, and a comprehensive inventory plan and preservation plan were produced. The inventory entailed woodlots, as well as City and privately own trees. Replacement values were calculated as per City of Barrie Standards and all information was consolidated into an Arborist Report for submission to the lead consultant. Stefan Bolliger Associates Inc. has also been commissioned to prepare streetscaping plans for these road expansions.
Tree/Vegetation Inventory and Assessments